More information? 304-531-0603, Hotline: 844-875-4557, Email:
More information? 304-531-0603, Hotline: 844-875-4557, Email:
SkillsUSA Alumni Membership
SkillsUSA Alumni Membership is free and is open to anyone. Registered members get electronic newsletters,
online version of the magazine and other communications on a regular basis. Alumni Membership is also open
to your business partners, contest committees, judges, or anyone else within your state organization.
We do not sell our list or use it for any other purpose. Please help us by forwarding this message,
by asking students who graduated to become SkillsUSA Alumni members, and by posting a link
to the alumni join page on your state Website.
SkillsUSA West Virginia Alumni & Friends Association
Mission Statement
The SkillsUSA Alumni and Friends association provides a structured network to reunite
former SkillsUSA and VICA members, partners, schools and supporters of
Career and Technical Education (CTE). The Alumni organization promotes
opportunities to continue the SkillsUSA journey through service,
leadership, professional development and networking.
The mission of the SkillsUSA West Virginia Alumni and Friends Association
is to act as a resource for WV SkillsUSA.
Our mission is to be:
1. Self-motivated and goal oriented members who demonstrate fundamental skills and
knowledge relevant to current and ever-changing demands in the world of work.
2. Professional, educated leaders to assist SkillsUSA WV in accomplishing its goals.
3. Members who are aware of social, political, environmental, cultural, technological, and
economical issues in order to be a role model for SkillsUSA students.
2019-2020 SkillsUSA West Virginia Alumni Chapter
Rick Morris, Alumni Coordinator
The SkillsUSA Alumni and Friends Association’s mission is to help promote SkillsUSA in terms of time, talent and financial resources at all levels – local, district, state and national.
Melissa Wilkinson, Executive Director
P.O. Box 335
Ripley, WV 25271
304-531-0603 or
Copyright © 2019 SkillsUSA Inc. West Virginia - All Rights Reserved.