More information? 304-531-0603, Hotline: 844-875-4557, Email:
More information? 304-531-0603, Hotline: 844-875-4557, Email:
SkillsUSA WV empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA WV improves the quality of our nation’s future skilled workforce through the development of Framework skills that include personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics.
Lincoln County High School
Roane-Jackson Technical Center
Vice President Region 1
Mercer County Technical Education Center
South Branch Technical Center
Monongalia Technical Education Center
Vice President Region 2
Cabell County Career Center
Melissa Wilkinson is the SkillsUSA West Virginia Executive Director. SkillsUSA WV is a nonprofit organization that collaborates with students, teachers, and administrators in Career & Technical Education (CTE). The organization connects students with the industry leaders who are seeking a skilled workforce. Melissa’s mission is to educate West Virginia about the best kept secret of CTE, the 5800 members of SkillsUSA WV! CTE centers across WV are educating the next generation of plumbers, masons, welders, carpenters, electricians and many more skilled and technical related careers.
Melissa believes in the students who choose a skilled trade. She has dedicated the last thirteen years of her career to educating students in the criminal justice field as well as empowering members of SkillsUSA WV to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible citizens.
Melissa Wilkinson, Executive Director
P.O. Box 335
Ripley, WV 25271
304-531-0603 or
Copyright © 2019 SkillsUSA Inc. West Virginia - All Rights Reserved.